Nerd Nite Brighton 35: Rewilding, supermarkets, boffins

We’re back with three more fascinating speakers, eager to tell you what they’re nerdishly passionate about.
1. Penny Green – Rewilding in Sussex
Penny is the resident ecologist at the Knepp Rewilding Project. She guides Knepp Safaris and co-ordinates the biological monitoring of the rewilding project. She studied countryside management at Brinsbury College and went on to work with the National Trust, the Sussex Wildlife Trust and then the Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre. Penny is passionate about biological recording, and loves to enthuse others with wildlife-watching. In her spare time she’s moth trapping, bird-watching, trail running, and volunteering with the RSPB’s Sussex Stone Curlew Project. Penny sits on various committees including Butterfly Conservation’s Sussex branch, the Sussex Mammal Group, the Sussex Dragonfly Group and the Sussex Moth Group.
2. Jack Klaff- Arty bloke among the boffins
Jack is an award-winning actor, writer, solo performer and academic, whose first movie role was in Star Wars. He now works closely with Intelligence Squared. He has written a number of their online debates and he has taken part in several of their live events. Jack has taught or presented at institutions and festivals around the world, including Florida State University, Goldsmith’s, Oxford, Cambridge, Boston University, Bristol, Imperial College, the Cheltenham Festivals of Literature as well as Science, TEDx at the European Parliament and he has held four visiting professorships at Princeton. He was Professor of the Public Understanding of Science at Starlab in Brussels from 1998-2002 and maintains his connection with that institution in its present incarnation in Barcelona.
3. Ruth Anslow – This is the story of the supermarket rebels
What if you had an idea of how supermarkets “should be” that you turned into a voice? And that voice became a rallying cry of thousands of people? And that crowd enabled you to open a chain of stores? And those stores transformed supermarkets for the 21st century? And more people were inspired to follow their own ideas of how it should be? That’s Ruth’s journey…Ruth is the Co-Founder of hiSbe Food CIC. She’s in love with the idea that business can be a force for good, by serving the interests of the public and communities, not just a few shareholders and directors. Ruth’s into destructive innovation that makes out-of-date business models obsolete. She believes that when we follow a vision of “how it should be,” we can transform whole industries. Ruth dreams of reinventing big business, starting with supermarkets. And she’s made that dream her priority.
As always we’ll have the usual quizzing, cakes, music and drinks. Tickets £4 (£3 Student/65+ nerds) from Eventbrite.