Nerd Nite Brighton 45: Waves, Vision, Quantum
We’ve got all the physics, laughter and quantum thingumies you could want this month at Nerd Nite Brighton. Three fantastic nerdy speakers, nerd news and our fiendish quiz- all washed down with (free) cake and (reasonably priced) beer. What more could you want?
We usually sell out so get your tickets now!
7.30 for an 8pm start.
£4 Regular Nerds or £3 Unemployed/Students/65+ Nerds
Our speakers:
Prof Mark Hindmarsh: Gravitational Waves from the Big Bang
Mark Hindmarsh is a professor of theoretical physics at the University of Sussex, carrying out research on the physics of the Big Bang. In his talk, Mark will explain how a tiny fraction of a second after the Universe began, the Higgs field turned on. This might not have been a smooth transition: instead, the Universe might have filled up with bubbles of Higgs field- rather like opening a can of fizzy drink. The resulting fizz might have been loud enough to generate gravitational waves, detectable in a future space-based gravitational wave detector such as the European Space Agency’s LISA.
Dr Hannah Macpherson: Landscape, Laughter and Visual Impairment
Hannah Macpherson is a geographer and inclusive arts practitioner interested in social relations. Her research focuses on experiences of D/disability and uses art-based research methods, walking interviews and other qualitative research methods. Feminist, post-structural and new-materialist theories inform her work. Ten years ago she conducted her doctoral research acting as a sighted guide with people with visual impairment who go walking in the Lake District and Peak District. Her talk is about spaces of British landscape, the laughter of the oppressed, resonance and affect. And there are some terrible jokes.
Prof Winfried Hensinger: Quantum Computing
Winfried Hensinger is professor of quantum technologies at the University of Sussex. Hensinger’s group works on constructing a trapped-ion quantum computer demonstrator device, a quantum simulation engine as well as portable quantum sensors in collaboration with a number of academic and industrial partners.
Hosted by Dr Mick Taylor
Twitter: @brightonnerd
Facebook: NerdNiteBrighton
Tickets link