NNB 55: Taxidermy – Islamic Architecture – Psychology

Tickets on sale from Rialto Theatre
“If you like nerds, raise your hand. If you don’t, raise your standards.” said author Violet Haberdasher. October’s Nerd Nite lets you raise your hands in the air, like you just don’t care, for the joy of learning about taxidermy, architecture and social psychology.
Plus the geek fest that is our nerd quiz and nerd news. AND with free cake.
Doors open 7.30pm for 8pm start.
Venue: Rialto Theatre.
Our speakers this month:
Kanna Ingleson: The art of taxidermy
It all started quite accidentally with a fish in a box. In the decade that followed, Kanna Ingleson intentionally accumulated a private taxidermy museum that is threatening to overrun her home in St Leonards-on-Sea. Here you will find a fully grown lioness comfortably cohabiting with a winged cat, a bunch of two-headed freaks and a couple of hundred stuffed creatures of varying age, beauty, and value. In this talk, Kanna invites you to discover what motivates an otherwise sensible woman to spend all her money and an unreasonable amount of time investigating and accumulating dead animals. She will talk you through some of the trends, techniques, oddities and personalities that have all contributed to this lively and ever-changing art scene. Kanna is the founder and editor of #taximag, an online and print magazine showcasing the taxidermy art revival.
Duncan Phillips: The importance of Islamic architecture on everything we know about English architecture.
Students who learn about architecture and the history of architecture in England are rarely told the complete story. This talk sets out to explain what it is all about and to fill in the gaps that the history books seem to miss out. Duncan is a chartered building surveyor who specialises in listed buildings and has surveyed thousands of Listed Buildings of every type and age, throughout England and Wales. He also lectures regularly on building surveying, architectural history and building conservation topics to professional groups and to Universities as a visiting lecturer.
Professor John Drury: Crowds, riots and simple behaviours: Beyond contagion
‘Contagion’ usually translates as influence or spread of behaviour that occurs through mere touch, like a disease. Numerous simple behaviours (such as smiling, scratching, yawning, and laughing) and complex phenomena (such as riots) have been described as cases of contagion. A key problem for all these accounts is the evidence of social group boundaries to influence – mere touch is not sufficient. John suggests alternative ways of thinking about unintended influence in groups and crowds, based on the concept of shared social identity. John Drury is Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Sussex. He has researched numerous crowd events including the Hajj, the London bombings of July 7th 2005, the Hillsborough disaster and the 2011 English riots. His research has informed the training of the UK Fire and Rescue Service and crowd safety managers and stewards. He is currently the editor of the British Journal of Social Psychology.
Hosted by Dr Mick Taylor
£4 Regular Nerds
£3 Unemployed/NUS/65+ Nerds
Tickets link
We regularly sell out- so if you buy a ticket you can’t use, please let us know on our Facebook event page so we can ensure disorganised nerds who forgot to buy a ticket in time can still come.
Photo in poster from #taximag